When Logan learns that Mariko Yashida, who disappeared a year ago, has been taken to Tokyo by her father Shingen, who is the head of a Japanese crime syndicate and a supplier of AIM. Logan travels to Japan to save her from her father. Wolverine's primary mutant power is his healing factor that enabled him to regenerate damaged tissue much faster than an ordinary human. Wolverine also have long adamantium claws, three in each arm.
Yukio assists Wolverine in his quest to free Mariko Yashida. This was part of her quest to seek revenge against Mariko's father Shingen for killing her parents, who formerly worked for him. She dies in battle against Shingen. She is an expert hand-to-hand combatant in Japanese martial arts. She is also an expert with hurling bladed weapons.
Shingen Yashida
Shingen is the father of Mariko Yashida and the head of a Japanese crime syndicate and a supplier of AIM. He is skilled in swordsmanship and unarmed combat. He is strong enough to throw a man through a wall and bend steel with his bare hands. He can also discharges vorpal shockwaves from his blade using chi.