Saturday 18 August 2018

Iron Man


Tony Stark/Iron man

Tony Stark has no powers of his own but they are derived from his Iron Man Armor. Quite apart from the powers granted him by the suit, Tony Stark is far more than a mechanical engineering, he graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the age of 17. He came to japan to produce a new arc reactor power station and showcase a new prototype armor, that will replace him when he retires. However, the armor gets stolen by an organization called Zodiac and it is up to Tony as Iron Man to stop it. 

Sakurai Nagato/Ramon Zero

Nagato was a captain in Japan's Nation Self Defense Force. He was charged with monitoring Tony Stark from a distance, later conferring with Tony, he requested his help in ensuring Japan's safety using Iron Man. Later, his military group build a armor for him and he took the identity of Ramon Zero.



Kuroda is the leader of Zodiac. He wants to take over Japan and make it a superpower once more. He wants to make sure that no one will ever stand in his way of conquest not even the foreigners like Iron Man. Kuroda attempts to kill Iron Man with his Rasetsu armor due to its enormous size and power in an intention to prove his power to Japan and the world by destroying the armored Avenger but was eventually obliterated by Stark's massive uni-beam blast. 

Ho Yinsen/Iron man Dio

Ho Yinsen was captured by a terrorist organization and he sacrificed his life so Tony Stark can escape, but he was saved by a local woman named Sandra. Rebuilding his life in a small village. One day several attack choppers descended, firing Stark-Tech missiles across the area. Yinsen was the only survivor. Having lost his life and family for a second time, he was approached by Minister Kuroda with an offer to join Zodiac. Yinsen swore revenge against his old friend. Yinsen became the pilot of Iron man Dio armor.








Other Characters

Pepper Potts

Editor Nomura

Nanami Ota

Ichiro Masuda



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